Yesterday was one of the astonishing turning point of my life as I stayed all night since sunday to play $1/2 poker where I played $18 preflop table in $1/2 with deep stacks. I was deep as $400~$500 had A
I further tilted a bit on that table and ended up losting about $1k :)
I had other beats on the other tables where I flop a set the big stack fish bets into me and I make pot-size bet and he keeps completing river flush. At the end of the session, I found myself down a bit over $2.5k during 18 hours session and was under big frustration and went to school at 4pm.
I am doing this web project for the amateur skating company ( as my senior project which is the graduation requirement in the University of Colorado at Boulder. It is written in LAMP environment (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) and it is not fancy but currently somewhat functional :)
When we are done with the meeting whereas the projector was setup and my group members are present. I had to send an email so I logged onto my email account. I found an email titled "Microsoft Interview Result" and my group members screamed to open it and I declined it because I didn't think I did well enough on the interview to get selected. I took care of the business on the email and I scrolled back up to log myself out and realized the email was actually around 800k which means that it contains some sort of attachment. I was kinda spaced out for a momement and opened it.
Surprisingly, it was their congraturation letter with applications for the flight to Raymond, WA where the final interview will be held ^^ (obviously all the costs covered). I checked out the following images from the Google Image and it seems like a sweet place to work for as it is known to be the best software engineering company in the world. Google is probably best right now but hey MS has bigger avenue so :)
I also heard back from the National Instruments and they sent me an invitation to fly to Austin, TX for the final onsite interview. This is my 2nd best preference of my job choice and I better prepare and do well for this in case Microsoft final onsite interview doesn't work out well for me.
They sponsored my stay at the Embassy Suite and offered me to rent a car also but I chose the shuttle method because I don't really need a rental car. Look at the picture below :)
A lot of prestigious company actually invites you to fly to their onsite as their final recruiting evaluation process and I am very pleasured to visit Austin, TX as I will be visiting Hejin again. The last time we saw each other was when I was in Ausin, TX for the CPL Cyber Programming League with my friend Justin and Rob.
We didn't do too well but it was a lot of fun to meet all the people from the world and hang out. I still remember the poker game we had at Gaylord Texan hotel where I had AA and Pillage had KK and we both slow played preflop by not raising and fireworked on the flop :)