I have been living my life like a mayfly ever since I came to this country. I have recently learned that what pulled my life together to make become what I am today is not because I am born with brain that surpasses others.
I have surely worked harder than other teenagers and went through challenging moments when I was young but I do not think that is exactly the cause of what makes LuxuryMaster today. As cocky as it seems, I feel extremely proud of myself.
I have had a lot of miracle experiences ever since I came to this country on 2000. I have always wondered what actually made LuxuryMaster so lucky in critical stages of my life.
I first thought it was because of people who have been supporting me but after opening my eyes on a lot of things on different things on positive way, I have learned that there is something non-existent entity that has been assisting me - Jesus.
Because of so many miracle happenings in critical stages when I was young, I feel like everyday I live on the continent is blessing to me. I now have no fear of losing anything in my life except people around me.
When I like to make friends or start relationships, I like to view attitude of person's friends to determine if I like to be friend with him/her. I believe it is a lot easier to tell someone's true heart as people can always can fake their true intention. However, looking at his/her friends will tell you a lot of his/her past experience and future life. I can't express how happy I feel once I have no expectation but just do what I love to do.
However, if I lose something in unrighteously, I like to use best of my abilities to fight. This is why I sometimes had to tell my good friends that I can either become your worst enemy or best friend.
I have finally figured out what exactly is "Meaning of Life" is on my heart. I have decided to devote my future brainstorming an idea and turn that into a technology that can potentially benefit millions of lives using technologies just like Google. I have decided to walk through my future career with Translations.com to accomplish this goal.
I think the reason why I applied to Google is because I had gained that envision on my heart by going through certain experiences and perceptions recently. I still feel we shared somewhat vision and I still love Google although they might not like me:)
I perceive my life is simple as this: accomplish something that can positively influence other people while doing something meaningful, technical, and beneficial to others while having fun doing it. This has became very clear to me recently. No anticipation of tomorrow or expectation of result, just live a day like a mayfly while having fun doing it - This is what I call Jesus's blessing and I feel like I have earned it.
I view myself as a mayfly that currently flies in low altitude but I believe some mayfly envisions to fly high altitude with strong determination and positive heart although it is currently flying low. Carpe diem - "seize the day"