If you have followed my post, I made a transition to 6 handed tables and stopped multi-tabling in 9 handed full ring games. My overall impression is that I just started enjoying more and more about playing Poker since I made this transition. It is not just simply because I keep winning and profit myself a lot, I get to see a lot more action on the table and also find myself to start picking on certain players' tendency and take advantage of that. Whereas 9 handed full ring game was completely boring to wait for a hand and most people play ABC poker although I play 12 tables at the same time - kind of slow too. There is not much of excitement of bluffing and picking on other players as 6 handed Holdem tables. Players make a lot of move, I make a lot of move, and the excitement you gain while bluffing and enjoyment when you catch a bluff is astonishing! plus its very fast and suitable for my 300 APM poker style!
My hour rate is literally doubled since I started playing 12 tables of 6 handed holdem tables. I am no longer best preflop player but a thinking post-flop player. I found it to be just another step for amateur to become a professional poker player. If anyone of you find an interesting article about 6 handed-max NL holdem, please comment in this post!
Wish you all good luck at your tables!
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Grüße, Vince
english plz?
Hey, I just wonder if you feel more joy to play poker every time you make a "transition"? That would just mean that you just need enviromental change (new limits/games/tables/tourneys) from time to time.
I love 6 Max tables NL hold 'em, players talk/bluff a lot, and that makes poker!
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