Sunday, February 17, 2008

Software Engineering Position Offers and Intervews

As many of you already know, I have been pretty diligent about my study on computer science and mathematics. I am graduating this may and have been job hunting :) This semester, in additional to my intership & parttime software engineering experience, I decided to some research assistant work for the professor who I admire in the university. He specializes his area of research in the wireless sensor node network and his paper is awarded and published in Sensys 2007 as 1st place. (

Therefore, he is receiving funding from the prestigious corporations for his ongoing research. I help him to integrate the operating system for the sensor node network. This was a nice addition on my resume and I applied to a few companies that I was interested at the career fair.

Surprisingly, I have received an interview offer right at the career fair from 2 companies and all the companies I handed my resume to got back to me for the further interview except Motolora ;) (There are probably looking for electrical engineer oh well). I did an interview with National Instruments and got an invitation to Ausin, Texas for the final interview where they cover all the flight and hotel cost for me.

I did an interview with TCS (Tata Consultant Services) ( and they offered me a position in Los Angeles, CA for fulltime. However, they offered me such a sniff salary so I had to decline their offer.

I have also received a nice offer from my current job ( and they want me to stay but hey, lets see if I can find anything better first okay?

About an week later, Microsoft informed our engineering department that they will be coming to our campus to recruit interns and fulltime position employees for 2 days. I obviously applied and I am sure most of the students from the engineering department did. I had been chosen to interview with them on this upcoming friday. I went to the website for the time slot selection for the interview and there about 10 slots over 2 days. I was proud of myself for being chosen as one of the candiate which proves that the hard work I have been doing over 4 years during the college wasn't for nothing. I am going to go Allin(...? lol poker) for the interview and get a few days off from my work to prepare for this. It has been one of my dream to work for the prestigous company for my software engineering career. Please wish me good luck!

Recent Poker Improvements

I have been playing $.50/$1 until the end of January of 2008. Although I have been winning a lot of money in that limit, I was unable to move up the limits because I had to spend a lot of money for life essencials :) However, I decided to risk myself a bit to play higher limits as I gradually preceive my improvments on my play. I still make a lot of mistakes on certain types of sitations but hey, who can really play perfect? I am still an amateur :) I felt so bored about my limit and decided to play 12 tables of $1/2 (200NL) 6 handed.

When I first started playing, I didn't do too well, overplaying and misplaying a lot of hands. I was also got little nervous due to drastic change on my bankroll in a short period of the time - Swing. I finally start realizing how people in this limit plays differently from lower limits. People tend to play a lot more aggressively and being able to analyze the pf raising range of the player's hand and consistent 3 betting have started showing some success. I have been playing on $1/2 for about 2 weeks and already being successful.

I think the key to success in higher limit is aggression and 3 betting preflop is definately key - Thanks to Shock from WC3 who advised me to start doing this :) I hope I can make a strong enough bankroll before next week so that I can go to the vegas during the spring break :)