I have been playing $.50/$1 until the end of January of 2008. Although I have been winning a lot of money in that limit, I was unable to move up the limits because I had to spend a lot of money for life essencials :) However, I decided to risk myself a bit to play higher limits as I gradually preceive my improvments on my play. I still make a lot of mistakes on certain types of sitations but hey, who can really play perfect? I am still an amateur :) I felt so bored about my limit and decided to play 12 tables of $1/2 (200NL) 6 handed.
When I first started playing, I didn't do too well, overplaying and misplaying a lot of hands. I was also got little nervous due to drastic change on my bankroll in a short period of the time - Swing. I finally start realizing how people in this limit plays differently from lower limits. People tend to play a lot more aggressively and being able to analyze the pf raising range of the player's hand and consistent 3 betting have started showing some success. I have been playing on $1/2 for about 2 weeks and already being successful.
I think the key to success in higher limit is aggression and 3 betting preflop is definately key - Thanks to Shock from WC3 who advised me to start doing this :) I hope I can make a strong enough bankroll before next week so that I can go to the vegas during the spring break :)
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