I have been working at Translations.com's Boulder office for over 3 months now. I was actually only software engineer in the office as this office recently opened in the Boulder location and we have engineers working oversea and I recently felt no reason to come to office as we always communicate over the internet and I have been fully tranined by my manager over 3 months.
I asked my boss for the permission to work at home where I can feel more comfortable and be more productive. There were some reviews going back and forth with our senior developers on oversea. Based on my productivity and reliablity that I have shown since the first of my job, they granted my request and I am now working at home. Sweet ship it please!
After I hear back from him, I bought myself a top notch recliner that I can just sit back and relax while I am working. Price was little bit aggressive but I managed to bluff raise myself to buy it anyways. I also have realized that due to this, I now have more freedom in my life and no longer need to stress myself on poker income. I will now play poker as entertainment / supplement income value and I think this is very +EV choice for my overall life satisfaction.
I have been actively going to church over the weekend and there was a really famous pester coming from Chicago giving a speech about the topic called "hope". It was really overall satisfactive and he mentioned various quotations from the people during the speech who became really successful and how one should measure the degree of the success. Obviously the factor was not based on how much money they have made. There were one quotation that got stuck on my head, it was from John Pottter. I tried my best to translate into English =)
"The moment I felt most successful in my life is not when I actually climbed to the top of the Everlast, it was the moment I was walking down from the top of the mountain and envisioned what I further possibly can do with my success that I have archieved"
I decided to review my daily life and figure out if I am living my life successfully and it turns out there were so many leaks. I found myself way too busy during my daily life. For example, I work full time 5 days a week, playing heavy amount of poker over the weekend despite my recent success on the job and poker. Actually my friend Dwain actually first brought this up and I appreciate him tellng me this and provide me a reason to think back on myself. I just feel like I made right, strong and big decision on my poker career overall and confirmed myself that I am walking into the right direction with Jesus. As long as I feel myself walking into right direction, I believe I will be able to enrich further and become more successful.
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