(Immediate Impact for Goods):
* Apply to Google

I have decided to further pursue my computer science career as I feel more successful and more enjoyable than winning a lot of money on poker while sitting on my computer fulltime. I have decided to pursue further opportunies in order to strengthen my primary career
(Long Term Impact for Goods):
* Further Develop Personal Engineering Protfolio Website
* Start a Small IT Business with My Smart and Passionate Roomates
I went to the Google Technical Talk in the University of Colorado at Boulder with my friend Seung Bin, who is currently junior majoring in computer science. I was there not only for my personal intellectual reasons or whatever but it was also to help him see the exposures I wish I had while I was junior in the college.
I was on my way to walk into the room and saw a recruiting coordinator greeting everyone. I said “Hi xx (Privacy reason)” and she goes “Hello Jay”. I saw her 1-2 times during the past career events and asked for resume help once. I have never seen her again face to face. It was really surprising to perceive the passion of the people on their job. Everyone had own character and acted friendly while being very passionate and professional on what they do. I mean let’s face it - she probably sees probably over 100 people and she is telling me she remembers (at least tries) to remember everyone and treat each one of them in professional manner. I asked her why my PHD student friend, who got recently employed at Gooogle did not attend to this tech talk because I was honestly expecting to see him again =)
Out of all the Google tech talk I have ever went, I have to say this one was the most informative and well organized one I have ever attended. It is not just because I have received a special greeting from the recruiting coordinator. Everything was well organized and went very smooth. I am taking my time to say thank you to Google and ACM for organizing this and make it actually happen!
Yeap, it was a nice experience, after attending this tech talk I realized how hard I should work!!
Hey Sung,
It's funny because you are probably the first Korean that (I know) who actually left a comment on my blog.
I hope you had a great experience and exposure to the industry at the reception desk.
Also be aware that you are probably the one and only friend at CU who majors in computer science that I felt a lot of potential to succeed. I didn't have enough time to hang out with everyone although there were a lot of good people that I wish I had known better. Try to get a few but trustworthy friends and spend more time with them rather than spending a lot of time with everyone.
Your fluency in Spanish, English, and Korean in addition to your good grade will eventually set your good job regardless of your visa status by the time you graduate.
Feeling exposure allows you to gain more stronger and your volunteer desire to help others will set you a big goal in your life I believe.
Just become a positive dreamer on your head, be confident and strong about yourself as a person.
Thanks for writing this.
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