Thursday, April 17, 2008

Las Vegas Trip (March, 2008) and Recent Poker Success

I was unable to cash-out as I recently made transition to 200NL from 100NL and there has been an unlucky swing and obviously due to new level challenges. Due to this, I was suffering a bit of financial trouble as I have been cashing out at least 3k a month to cover my college expense and tuition. Having such cash flow stop for a few month struck me bad :)

Despite this difficulty, I decided to fly to Las Vegas again to play some poker with my buddy Justin, Ersan, Brandon, Duskslayer (Sorry, I forgot to contact you!), and Kevin :). The last time I was Brandon was at CPL for professional warcraft III gaming tournament. He now made translation to poker and showing a great success! Anyways, we played Wynn $2/5 NL together. As many of you already know, Wynn poker room has no buyin cap so the amount of money on the table is a lot more and you get to see more actions. I would say it is equivalent to playing $5/10 as you need about 1k to play this game stably at Wynn. Anyways, I became fascinated by Brandon's tight crazy aggressive style. He also taught me the conceptual ideas behind it and I appreciate it very much!

I have been doing overall fine but a lot of unlucky hands. I now realize that I tried bluffing a small pot where I didn't really need to and lost a lot of money. Errr..... I have must have left my discipline and patience somewhere?

I was overall even until the last day. I got dealt AA from UTG. I made x6 BB raise to $30. This tight passive player who limp calls with AKo, AQo late pos calls me from late pos. BB for some reason calls my raise - Pot $92 going to the flop.

Flop was 3 3 6

I lead out with a bet of $85 which is pretty much a pot-sized bet. Tight passive passively calls from the button and BB folds - Pot $262 going to the turn.

Turn was 3
Now board looks 3 3 6 3

I lead out again with a bet of $240 as I get called from 99-JJ pretty easily and he passively calls. I have about $500 behind - Pot $742, I put him on 99-JJ.

Turn was 6
Now board looks 3 3 6 3 6

I obviously went all in as I will have to call the river bet if he bets and I lose EV by checking. He said "Bad river card" and pondered a call for like 5 seconds. I was like "Yes, I must have him beat" and he said "I call" and turns over 6 9 for 6-full house which beats my nut 3-full house. Sick.....!

Bamn! Everyone at the table was a bit intimidated by his behavior to me and told me how unlucky I got on this hand. I quit playing for a bit and came back to Colorado with about 1k downswing.

Back on Colorado, I started playing a lot more poker and been really successful due to my realization on a few important concepts from my trip. I can't reveal how much bankroll is but I made about 7k within 2.5 weeks by playing 8 tables of 200NL :) I showed a lot of aggression and mixed it with my tricky play in certain spot and people had hard time putting me on the hand :)

I hope my good luck continues :)