Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Life Goes On: LuxuryMagic #13 - Business Card

This business card is designed by my roommate who owns design company called Broad Sighted. I initially provided him ideas for designing because I wasn't very proficient on CSS during that time. I received basic lesson from him so I am a bit better now but he is really good.

He provided me excellent quality of work designing 5 different front end main pages with various color schemas depicting various mood with amazing amount of details in all places.

I will now be independently working on back-end infrastructure and I am currently planning on the whole infrastructure although I have my idea fairly solid. I remember spending a whole semester designing the architecture in school when I was working on my senior project.

Although the group of 4 spent whole semester of designing basic architecture, we ran into various issues when writing codes for the actual product. I was the team leader of the group and it was very stressful to change the implementation all the time. I learned my lesson from that and I don't plan on quick rushing on this project =)

Anyways, due to his successful performance on my's front end UI work, I asked him to design the business card and look how it came! I can't upload the actual version of the card because it contains personal information but if you look at it carefully, you will be able to see transparent color scheme applied in different vertical layers and it is simply amazing!

If any of you are interested getting web hosting and design services for your business, I suggest you to contact him. You may visit his website Broad Sighted for more details.


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Too have seen great ideas for business cards at 48HourPrint.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the info Adan. I will check out next time I order business card - Merry Christmas

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